Best Positive Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia

Consider the experience of walking into a packed elevator. Your perspiration increases as the doors slowly shut, and it becomes more harder to breathe. Your chest tightens as your heart beats. You have a dry mouth. As the terror grows, you are overcome with the want to flee. It takes a while for the doors to open, and you stagger out on wobbly legs, disoriented, and out of breath.

Eventually, the terror diminishes and you swear that you will never again get into an elevator, even if it means trekking up 30 flights of stairs. Stick till the end of this article to discover more about the Best Positive Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia.

Phobias are acute phobias that cause an anxiety reaction similar to the one described above. Phobias are quite common. Sweating, chills, or hot flushes, shaking or dizziness, a sense of being smothered or suffocated, chest discomfort or nausea, and the dread of losing control are all possible symptoms of panic disorder.

When a trigger is present, the feelings are triggered fast and diminish almost immediately after the trigger is withdrawn. During these periods, the symptoms may be so severe that some individuals feel they are about to die or that they are losing their minds.

Despite the fact that elevators are a major source of claustrophobia, any confined area may elicit the panic reaction in certain people. Claustrophobics are particularly vulnerable, according to some studies, since they feel a feeling of limitation and entrapment in their surroundings.

There is also a fear of suffocation present. Additionally, in addition to elevators, other scenarios that are known to cause fear include auditoriums and theaters, tunnels, bridges, aircraft and other enclosed vehicles, as well as any area where a big number of people have congregated.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, women account for 75 to 90 percent of people who suffer from claustrophobia in enclosed spaces. Men and children are also affected by the condition, and psychologists have shown that situational-type phobias are more likely than other types of phobias to impact many members of a family.

There seem to be a variety of factors that contribute to the development of claustrophobia. The most apparent is having a traumatic experience, such as being imprisoned in a small area or watching another person being trapped in a small space. Many times, individuals may recollect the precise experience that they think to be the basis of their dread in these situations.

Claustrophobia has also been connected to repeated warnings from a parent about the danger of the dreaded item, according to research.

Best Positive Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia

Best Positive Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia
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Best Positive Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia

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Read the following positive affirmations aloud to help you overcome your claustrophobia:

Present Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia.

  • I am always in a peaceful and comfortable state of mind.
  • I maintain my composure in elevators.
  • I’m working on getting over my claustrophobia.
  • I am fearful of being in close quarters.
  • On trains, I maintain my composure.
  • I am in command of my own destiny.
  • I have no trouble breathing in confined areas.
  • Even in busy places, I feel secure.
  • I am at ease in unfamiliar environments.
  • Being in a tiny space does not bother me at all.
  • I intend to conquer my claustrophobia.
  • I will maintain my composure in confined settings.
  • I’m certain that I’ll be alright around huge groups of people.
  • I’ll feel comfortable in enclosed areas if I’m alone.
  • Train journeys will be enjoyable for me.
  • I will be able to breathe comfortably in enclosed spaces.
  • In elevators, I will maintain my composure.
  • Bus journeys will be enjoyable for me.
  • I’m going to learn to manage my fear.
  • Elevators will be a secure haven for me.
  • Spaces that are constrained are safe.
  • It comes easily to maintain one’s composure.
  • My claustrophobia has completely vanished.

Future Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia.

  • My dread has been subdued.
  • Elevator journeys are simply a routine part of everyday life for most people.
  • Bus journeys are calming and enjoyable.
  • Spaces that are crowded seem to be safe.
  • It comes easy to me to have a calm and collected demeanor.
  • Closed areas provide a homey vibe.
  • Despite my claustrophobia, I am a confident and robust person.
  • I’m always in a calm and relaxed state of consciousness.
  • In elevators, I keep my composure.
  • I’m trying to overcome my fear of being enclosed in small spaces.
  • I’m afraid of being in a confined space.
  • On public transportation, I keep my cool.
  • I am the master of my own fate.
  • I don’t have any difficulty breathing in small spaces.
  • I’m at ease even in crowded areas.
  • I’m comfortable in new places.
  • I have no problem living in a confined place.
  • Claustrophobia will no longer be an issue for me.
  • In cramped spaces, I will retain my calm.
  • I’m certain that I’ll be able to handle large crowds.

Natural Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia.

  • Only if I’m alone myself will I be able to relax in a confined space.
  • I’m looking forward to relaxing on long train rides.
  • As a result, I will be able to breathe easily in confined settings.
  • Maintaining my composure will be my priority on elevators.
  • Taking the bus will be a pleasant experience for me.
  • I’m going to work on overcoming my anxiety.
  • Elevators will provide me with a safe sanctuary.
  • Constrained areas provide a sense of security.
  • The ability to remain calm under pressure is second nature to most people.
  • Suddenly, my claustrophobia has left totally.
  • My apprehension has been eased to a degree.
  • Most people’s daily lives include at least one trip up or down an elevator.
  • Bus rides are a relaxing and pleasant experience.
  • Overcrowding seems to make an area more secure.
  • A calm and controlled manner comes naturally to me.
  • Closed spaces provide a sense of coziness and comfort.
  • Despite my fear of enclosed spaces, I am a self-assured individual.

Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia Conclusion.

When dealing with acute claustrophobia, it is necessary to seek expert assistance. Along with therapy, there are things you may do on your own to relieve your anxiety and speed up the healing process. Whether your symptoms are just disconcerting or interfere with your regular activities, claustrophobia might hinder you from completely appreciating your surroundings and living life to the fullest.

Treatment is easily accessible and quite effective. You may learn to overcome your anxieties and live life to the fullest extent possible with the assistance of others.

Since you liked this list of the Best Positive Affirmations to overcome Claustrophobia, then we suggest to you to check this list of the Best Positive Affirmations to overcome Arachnophobia

Frequently Asked Questions:

how to deal with claustrophobia on a plane?

Claustrophobia can make air travel challenging, but there are strategies you can use to cope. First, try deep breathing exercises or meditation to calm your nerves. You can also distract yourself with music, movies, or a good book. If these techniques don’t work, consider talking to your doctor about medication or therapy options.

how to overcome claustrophobia on a plane?

Overcoming claustrophobia on a plane can be a difficult task, but there are steps you can take to make it more manageable. Begin by researching your options and familiarizing yourself with the aircraft layout. Consider booking a seat with more legroom or an aisle seat for added comfort. Utilize relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, or meditation during the flight to ease anxiety.

is claustrophobia a disability?

Claustrophobia is not officially recognized as a disability by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). However, individuals with claustrophobia may be eligible for certain accommodations under the ADA, such as having access to wider seating on an airplane or being allowed to take breaks during long meetings held in small rooms.

Affirmations Morning
Affirmations Morning

Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am an affirmation person. I believe in the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. I have always been drawn to the idea of using affirmations as a tool to manifest my goals and bring positivity into my life. I started practicing affirmations on a daily basis a few years ago and have seen excellent results. Not only have my own personal goals become more attainable, but my overall outlook on life has become more positive. In my free time, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others through my blog and social media channels. I hope to inspire and empower others to incorporate affirmations into their daily routine and see the transformation it can bring.

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