Best Positive Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers

More often than not, we do feel strongly about something, and eventually, our feelings turn into reality. We can receive signals directly from somewhere (a supreme power in the universe, probably), and we can perceive things correctly. These abilities, which we aren’t too familiar with, are known as psychic powers. To develop these powers, you can practice positive affirmations to increase psychic powers, which we have explained in the following sections.

Best Positive Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers

Best Positive Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers
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Best Positive Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers

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Humans and their psychic powers

You might be surprised to know that every person has some psychic powers inbuilt in him. How much you pay attention to these powers, and are willing to act on the thoughts that are directed by these powers is what makes you different from others.

Have you ever wondered how some people have a strong and correct intuition about certain things? Have you noticed that great leaders don’t follow rule books when it comes to managing their business, but they trust their gut-feelings to guide them? You might have always read in self-help books that you should always trust your instincts or gut feelings, because they can never be wrong.

Intuitions, gut-feelings, instincts –call it by whatever word you want, but they are all part of psychic powers. A person who is able to channelize his psychic powers properly has strong intuitions always. If you have been trying hard to tap the potential of your psychic abilities, but haven’t been able to do so, you must continue to read the following sections.

Positive Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers

Here, we have given you a list of positive affirmations to increase psychic powers, so that you can learn to believe in your hunches and trust them when it comes to doing something.  These affirmations contain powerful positive thoughts that will help you realize the power of your subconscious mind, the fact that you have always neglected so far.

Present Tense Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers

  • I am aware of my psychic powers.
  • I know that I am capable of attractive positive energies from the universe.
  • I am proud of the potential of my sixth sense.
  • I am always alert of the happenings around me.
  • My intuitions are always on point.
  • My psychic powers are quite strong, and I take great pride in them.
  • My friends and family are in awe of my psychic powers.
  • I am consciously practicing techniques on how to manifest psychic powers, to improve my visualization abilities.
  • My inner vision or third eye is always on alert/active mode.
  • I am very much alive in every present moment in my life.
  • I am knowledgeable about the happenings and events that are going around me.
  • I am confident about the strength of my inner vision.
  • I always pay attention to every single intuition of mine.
  • I feel happy about seeing the various possibilities with the help of my intuitions, and I am absolutely at peace when I implement them.

Future Tense Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers

  • I will never ignore my gut-feelings anymore.
  • I will always keep my third eye on alert mode.
  • I can feel that my sixth sense is becoming more active with every passing day, because I have been practicing the law of attraction for psychic powers.
  • I will keep my mind free from clutter and negativity, in order to receive the psychic information that the universe is willing to offer me.
  • I will try to read between the lines, and understand signals that are not too obvious to work on my intuitions.
  • I will always be in touch with the universe, so that I can understand the signals and psychic information that it has to offer me.
  • I can see that my mind is becoming more receptive every day to receive the not-so-loud energies and powers from the universe.
  • I can feel that I am becoming stronger every day when it comes to becoming more aware of the things and events around me.
  • I will try to tap into my psychic powers to the best of my abilities, as I know that can help me improve my intuitions to a great extent.
  • I will work at becoming better at sending and receiving signals to and from the universe.

Natural Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers

  • I am a naturally intuitive person.
  • I love to live at peace; therefore, I trust my intuitions more than anything else.
  • Listening to my intuitions, and implementing the same comes naturally to me.
  • I know I can trust my intuition all the time.
  • I always travel on the right path, and ensure that my intuitions lead me to the truth.
  • My subconscious mind is naturally aware of my psychic potential.

Affirmations to Increase Psychic Powers – Conclusion

Your mind needs to be extremely strong and healthy if you want these positive affirmations to work for you. So, even before practicing these thoughts every day, we request you to clear your mind of all clutter, unnecessary distractions and negativity. Have a clear and fresh mind to absorb the positivity that these affirmations offer you.

Keep telling these affirmations in your head many times a day, and do it consistently. Within a few days, you will notice that you have become more aware of your psychic potential. You will be pleasantly thrilled to know that you have become more aware than before about the physical world and universe that you are a part of.

These affirmations will make you realize that the solutions to most of your problems already lie in your intuitions. All you need to do is improve your psychic powers’ capacity so that you can learn to understand these intuitions and work on them at the right time. As you improve your intuitions, you will also master the art of keeping your sixth sense open always. You will become more receptive than before to receive the signals that are addressed to you.

In short, if you want to improve your awareness about the things around you in this universe and outside, you have to keep practicing these positive affirmations to increase psychic powers regularly. With regular practice, you will be able to harness your gut feelings’ potential and realize their true power. Since you make it till here, you may consider checking this out : Positive Affirmations for Six Pack Abs

Frequently Asked Questions:

how to strengthen your psychic powers?

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of psychic powers, and any claims to develop or strengthen them are often considered pseudoscience. However, some practices, such as meditation and mindfulness, may improve focus and intuition, which some people may interpret as psychic ability.

Affirmations Morning
Affirmations Morning

Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am an affirmation person. I believe in the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. I have always been drawn to the idea of using affirmations as a tool to manifest my goals and bring positivity into my life. I started practicing affirmations on a daily basis a few years ago and have seen excellent results. Not only have my own personal goals become more attainable, but my overall outlook on life has become more positive. In my free time, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others through my blog and social media channels. I hope to inspire and empower others to incorporate affirmations into their daily routine and see the transformation it can bring.

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